【CEDEC 2018 シリーズ⑦】CEDEC2018で出会った素敵な女性クリエイターたち

*English translation below





トキメキとは何か ~乙女を恋へと導く新たなアプローチ~
株式会社ヘキサドライブ 2Dアーティスト・アートセクションチーフ
阿部 浩美さん


MakeS -おはよう、私のセイ-









「Unreal Engine」と「どうぶつしょうぎ」、二つの成功事例から学ぶ異国間・長期プロデュースノウハウ
日本将棋連盟 女流棋士 / 株式会社ねこまど 代表取締役

「Unreal Engine」と「どうぶつしょうぎ」?

株式会社AKALI 代表取締役 蛭田健司さん
Epic Games Japan 代表 河崎高之さん

「Unreal Engine」と「どうぶつしょうぎ」が成功を収めるまでのプロセスが河崎さんと、北尾さんの交互に紹介され、そこから導き出される共通ポイントと、長期プロデュースのポイントがわかりやすく説明されていました。








『やさしくてよくわかる!  はじめての将棋レッスン』



プロジェクション型多人数対戦シューティング『SPACE INVADERS GIGAMAX』を実現するための技術

株式会社タイトー デザイナー 秦南乃花さん
プログラマー 大杉郁絵さん

プロジェクション型多人数対戦シューティング『SPACE INVADERS GIGAMAX』は、建物の窓や外壁を使い、かの『インベーダーゲーム』で対戦しようという、壮大なプロジェクトです。



このプロジェクトの中心となったのが秦 南乃花さん、大杉 郁絵さんのお二人です。





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The extraordinary female creators I saw at CEDEC2018

Hi, everyone. I’m Mikamo, a project manager here at AMATA.

I’m stepping in for the CEDEC 2018 blog for this time, so I wanted to see if I could write up an article from a slightly different perspective. There were plenty of interesting talks and presentations offered at the conference, but what struck me the most was getting to see all of the ecstatic- looking female creators that were present at CEDEC 2018. Over the years there have been more and more women getting a chance to step up to the podium and present, and as a fellow woman, it made me tremendously happy to personally witness this change.

So with that in mind, I wanted to take this occasion to write about some of the extraordinary women I came across during my time at the conference.

I’m not going to get too in detail with each presentation I talk about, so if you’re interested go ahead and have a look at the presentation materials uploaded on the CEDEC Digital Library (CEDiL) for more information.

What does it feel like to have a crush? ~A novel approach to guiding young girls toward love~
HEXADRIVE Inc.  2D Artist and Art Section Chief
Hiromi Abe

HEXADRIVE is mostly known for putting out action games, which gave me the impression that their staff must have been made up of dedicated engineers and technicians, but what I ended up coming across instead was a game made for girls!

MakeS -Ohayo, Watashi no Sei-

This game app is geared toward girls and it functions as an alarm clock-style concierge system that features a character named “Sei,” who is there for not just conversation, but assistance as well. This includes helping with everyday tasks like writing short memos, scheduling a calendar, and setting an alarm.

At the presentation I was able to hear all about MakeS and the story behind its release, including the game’s design philosophy, as well as management related topics. The design and direction of the game was handled by Hiromi Abe.

Part of the presentation discussed that heart fluttering sensation that girls feel when they have a crush on someone and how it is hard to put that concept into words. One approach that came up was understanding this through a “reproductive” point of view.
With that idea in mind Abe talked about being a mother, and apparently the design process behind MakeS reflects her own emotions and experiences from raising children. And in tandem with that, after seeing the way that Sei grows in the game I was reminded of that special love and care that a mother has for their child.

Also, it was remarkable to hear about her straightforward approach to getting the project off the ground and how she pushed forward to make an otome game that was unlike anything they had ever done before. (Otome refers to a genre of romantic story driven games that are typically designed for young female players.)

I would like to put an otome game together as well, but I start to hesitate when I think about the immense hurdles I would have to clear to get those who are unfamiliar with the genre on board in order to move the project forward.

My search for solutions motivated me to ask Abe about it during the Q&A portion of the presentation. I asked her, “How did you manage to persuade the higher ups at your company who weren’t familiar with otome games?”

She replied, “I didn’t try to persuade anyone. I figured that I should go straight to the people who were crazy about it like I was, instead of trying to persuade others.”

Her response was like a lightswitch for me.
This has to be the kind of determination and decisiveness it takes to get a new type of project like that up and running.

“Unreal Engine” and “Dobutsu Shogi” – Taking two examples of success to study foreign markets and long-term production methodologies
Japan Shogi Association, Women’s Professional Shogi / Nekomado Co.,Ltd., CEO
Madoka Kitao

I thought something along the lines of, “Unreal Engine and Dobutsu Shogi are featured together in the same presentation?”
Those two things seemed so unrelated 
from one another, that once I saw the title I knew that I had to attend the presentation and find out more.

AKALI Inc., CEO Kenji Hiruta
Madoka Kitao
Epic Games Japan, Representative Takayuki Kawasaki

This particular talk had a total of 3 presenters.
Both Kawasaki and Kitao presented together and discussed the different processes that led them to success with the Unreal Engine and Dobutsu Shogi. Through that discussion they found some commonality between their two success stories and made some points about producing over a long period of time.

Hiruta organized the presentation and gave a wonderful introduction as well! But, be that as it may, there was also an amazing female creator presenting there as well.

Dobutsu Shogi, which roughly means “Animal Chess,” features miniature shogi pieces with cute animal prints displaying baby birds, elephants, giraffes, and lions. It’s specifically designed so that even a 4-year-old can pick it up and have fun. The game follows the same basic rules of the game shogi, but it has fewer squares on the board to help simplify it and make it easier to play.

Here is an actual picture of the game: 

The site listed below also has more information on how to play Dobutsu Shogi
Despite its 3×4 grid the game has a quite a bit of depth, and the page below reveals more about Dobutsu Shogi and why children are so fond of it.

Dobutsu Shogi, which is also known as “Let’s Catch the Lion!” in English, is going to be available to play in 34 different countries across the world. The game is being localized to suit different cultural contexts for each individual country, which is doing a lot to help Dobutsu Shogi make its way across the globe.

A quick and easy-to-play mobile version is available for smartphones, and it looks like they are also putting out a version for the Nintendo Switch in spring of 2019 titled, “Minna no Dobutsu Shogi.” The game itself was originally conceptualized by Madoka Kitao.

Kitao is a prominent figure in the world of shogi, and she does a lot work to popularize this traditional Japanese board game. Kitao has written a large number of shogi related books, participated in events and conventions for shogi across the world, and she also regularly teaches classes on the game too. Her wealth of experience that expands over many years was filtered into the development of Dobutsu Shogi, and her approach to all of this was straightforward and elegant at the same time.

“Quick and Simple to Learn! Shogi Lessons for Beginners”

During the presentation a topic came up about pushing forward when success is still an uncertainty.
I would say that impossible circumstances like that often lead people to call it quits at the halfway point. But, I could see that Kitao has an earnest love for shogi, and it was deeply inspiring to hear about her hard-earned accomplishments.

Honestly I am not particularly good at shogi, but in that moment I felt compelled to take up the challenge with Dobutsu Shogi.
This also got me thinking about what draws Kitao herself to the game of shogi and why she finds it so awe-inspiring.
I would love to ask her in person sometime if I ever get the chance.

SPACE INVADERS GIGAMAX and the technology required to offer a projection-style shooting game for large numbers of players
TAITO Corporation,  Designer Nanoha Hata
Programmer Ikue Osugi

SPACE INVADERS GIGAMAX is a large-scale projection-style game designed for massive amounts of players. This spectacular project took Space Invaders and other such games and projected them on buildings and other exteriors. This made it so players could enjoy playing each of these games on an enormous scale.

You can learn more about the project at their official website below, and they also have awesome nighttime photos that show just how breathtaking these games look.


Nanoha Hata and Ikue Osugi were the main two creative forces behind this particular project.

As you can imagine the buildings and other structures that the games are projected on are extremely diverse with their shape and size. They had to account for curves along the projection surface, as well as pillars, roofs, and other such hindrances. In some cases they had to accommodate for bodies of water and install the necessary machinery along the water while making room for the play area.
During the presentation they thoroughly explained everything that it took to get this process up and running so that every participant that showed up to the event could play a game of Space Invaders.

On top of all the modifications this project required for each bit of hardware and software, they also had to accommodate the commercial spaces they were using and wait until the buildings were closed for the day, which meant that their work often extended from late at night until early morning. They also had to fully account for long distance to work sites, as well as watch out for bad weather and countless other physical restrictions that popped up during their work. The entire time I was hearing about this I thought to myself about how if it were me I probably would have looked at all of these obstacles and then immediately turned back after seeing how impossible everything looked.

Their presentation slides were nicely organized and succinct as well. However, what inspired me the most was hearing their detailed accounts of the seemingly endless processes of trial and error that they had to endure.

Once I saw a video of the finished product I could truly get a sense of just how massive an accomplishment it was to finish this project.
I wanted to stand up and clap my hands when I saw the sheer hard work that both Hata and Osugi accomplished together.

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So, that about sums up my report.
These 4 female creators that I covered here have taught me quite a lot in terms of technology, but more than that I was deeply inspired by their own personal outlooks.

They each reminded me of what what it means to be determined, decisive, and earnest, as well as what it takes to be passionate and have perseverance so that you never feel like giving up.
I would say that these are essential components when it comes to carrying a project through to the very end.

What I gleaned from my time at CEDEC was that female creators are finding the power and strength to successfully make their way through the gaming industry.
I’m going to end this report with my sincere hope that this trend will continue so that there are more female creators than ever before.

*Any published materials or photographs that appear in this article are displayed here with permission from their affiliated companies.

