
*English translation below





その後他の参加者のレスもあり、いくらかのスキー談義を経て、めでたくスキー部設立とあいなりました。 見切り発車したスキー部ですが、今シーズンの活動にむけてがんばります。
(あと1か月 σ(^_^;)アセアセ…)



Announcing the Ski Club!

As you might know, our company has a number of optional club activities.  For the longest time I’ve  always wanted to make a  Ski Club, however:

・I wasn’t sure if there was anyone else who wanted to ski
・ Assuming there were, I wasn’t sure how many people would be interested
・ There would be nothing to do during the off-season
These thoughts kept me from actually making the club, until I read the following post on our company’s internal social media platform: “Just got back from my ski trip in Nasu and brought back  souvenirs.”

Nasu. Ski. Souvenirs.
——–I’m so glad! Thank you so much!
This is it. This is what I’ve been waiting for. But I had to stop myself from getting too worked up; 
this still only meant that there might be one person who is willing to join…

But right under the original post was the reply: “I wonder how many people here can ski.”
——–I’m so glad! Thank you so much!
Is this it!? What started as a mere thought turned into a vague feeling of conviction.

A few more replies followed afterwards from other people discussing about skiing and as the chatter continued, this thread became the exciting start of the Ski Club! Although this may be jumping the gun a bit, I’d like to announce the Ski Club.  Our aim is to start our activities during this season.
(Only just a month left σ(^_^;)  *sweats*…)

(The Rice Man)


