中の人の邦画放談④ 「ちはやふる-結び-」

*English translation below



ご覧になられたことのない方は、ぜひニコニコ動画などで実際の映像を探してみてください。できれば今すぐ!Right now!ほら、競技かるた=畳の上の格闘技、だったでしょ?







*  *  *


でも映画「ちはやふる-結び-」は、 ちゃーんと新キャラ紹介も伏線回収もすべて2時間強の上映時間に収まっているんです、驚異的!










AMATA Staff Talk Japanese Film, No. 4  “Chihayafuru: Musubi

I am tomocarl from the sound department of AMATA K.K. Once again, focusing all on Chihayafuru.
Ever since the announcement that it would be made into a film in April 2015, I’d been following it relentlessly, but amidst the great happiness I feel a tinge of loneliness.

Have you heard of Chihayafuru before?
It’s a manga about high school students who spend their days playing “competitive karuta”.

*¹Competitive karuta is a competitive version *²Hyakunin Isshu karuta, a game which draws on poems from the poem collection of the same name. It’s a more intense game than you might expect, with cards flying all over the place! It’s like BAM , POW!
If you’ve never had the chance to see it before, go check out a video of it on *³NicoNico Douga. If you have the time, do it. Now! You’ll find that it’s basically martial arts on a tatami mat, isn’t it.

This essentially-sports manga, Chihayafuru, was adapted into two films: Chihayafuru: Kami no Ku and Chihayafuru: Shimo no Ku. After two years, there is now a sequel – this article’s featured work, Chihayafuru: Musubi.

Following the competitive Karuta Queen Match held at the beginning of the year, karuta star player Arata Wataya professes his love to his childhood friend, and our story’s protagonist, Chihaya Ayase.

The winter passes and Chihaya moves on to her 3rd year of high school.
The Mizusawa Karuta Club, which she is a member of, has managed to welcome two new members and avoiding the closure of the club due to lack of members.
However, Club President Taichi Mashima still seemed rather sullen. The pressure to do well for his university entrance exams, is taking its toll.
Taichi also had feelings for Chihaya since childhood. She was his motivation for continuing karuta at the expense of his studies. He and he finds himself wondering what Arata said to Chihaya after the Queen Match.

As the Tokyo Preliminaries for the high school tournament approach, a new member, Sumire Hanano, grows tiresome with Taichi’s lovesick behaviour, and lets it slip that Arata has already confessed to Chihaya.
When he heard this, Taichi quits the karuta club.

Arata, currently living in Fukui, greatly admired the karuta club founded by  Chihaya and Taichi, and eventually founded one himself at his own school. Members included the *⁴Quasi-Queen, Io Wagatsuma, and others from the area’s karuta association familiar with Arata. A team of Quasi-Queen veterans proves to be quite strong, and proceeds into the nationals with little difficulty.

Taichi, having left the karuta club, is introduced by a former opponent to a master of karuta, Hisashi Suō, and becomes his student. Taichi believes that by learning the reason behind why Suō continues to play karuta despite publicly stating that he does not like the game, he can discover his own path. 

*  *  *

How will Chihaya continue the Mizusawa Karuta Club without Taichi?
Can they go up against Arata’s team at the nationals?
Where will Taichi’s new path of karuta lead to?

Yep, that summary was written by yours truly.
That was just the introduction and the main plot of the story.
There’s a tonne of characters, all having complicated relationships, I’m not even going to try write up all those details…
However, Chihayafuru: Musubi does a great job in introducing new characters and wraps up all foreshadowing nicely all within a little over two hours. I’m impressed!

Ah,  I just said “wraps up all foreshadowing nicely”, but actually, Kami no Ku and Shimo no Ku from two years ago, are their own complete story. There shouldn’t even be any foreshadowing to follow up on.
Yet it’s almost like they planned for it to be a trilogy from the very start!
Now that, is something else.

I’ll summarize all the interesting points here.

You’ll be sure to find a quote that will change your life from the Chihayafuru series!
There are a lot of memorable lines.
For example, from Musubi:
“There’s no doorknob on the door to opportunity. But when someone opens the door for you, will you be able to jump through it?” , or “We have the ability to experience one, single moment as if it were an eternity.”
I think it would be very cool if someone found a quote from Chihayafuru and changed their lives because of it.

Rich story development based around Hyakunin Isshu karuta.
The meaning behind the poems and their history spanning over a thousand years is used to represent and tie into the character’s feelings and relationships in a big way.
The climactic match scenes that use the Japanese poetic culture to its full extent are very thrilling!
“Who is it? Who won?!”, you exclaim, drenched in the sweat of excitement.

A bright story of youth for all ages!
Looking at the cast of the film, you might think that it was made for a younger audience. To that I say, nay, no, nein!
It’s a story for anyone. After all, can you find any junior high or high school students who can’t relate to the characters’ ages?
Everything is all there put into the movie, friendships, to rivalries, to romance…this film has all of it!
I’d like everyone to go see it, reminisce about their youth, and hopefully shed a tear or two.

It’s a fantastic film, so do go see Chihayafuru Musubi !
Also if you can, beforehand you should watch, Kami no Ku and Shimo no Ku as well!
If you’ve read the original manga, or have some familiarity with the Hyakunin Isshu poems, I’m sure you can enjoy it even more!

Yes, now is the prime time to get deep into the swamp that is the Chihayafuru series; after all, the anime’s third season has already been announced for 2019!

※Next time, I’ll be presenting you the full “Chihayafuru Pilgrimage”!


Karuta are Japanese playing cards. Competitive karuta uses a specific deck of playing cards called uta-garuta. The cards in the uta-garuta set have a piece of classic poem (called waka) written on each card.

Hyakunin Isshu is the name of a classical Japanese anthology that contains one hundred waka by one hundred poets. It is the standard collection of poems used in competitive karuta.

Niconico Douga is a Japanese video sharing website, similar to Youtube.

*⁴ Quasi-Queen is the term given to the runner-up winner for women at competitive karuta tournaments, Queen being the winner.

