
*English translation below




しかし!! 「あまた」はそんな新人の想像を見事に粉砕してくれました。



【GitHub Project】
【iPhone X 対応の詳細】

スケジュールの効率化、ソフトの所感、iPhone Xで起こった問題解決などバラエティに富んだラインナップです!!





【GitHub Project】


ではなぜGitHub Projectを使い始める事になったのでしょうか?






mBaaS(Mobile backend as a service)と呼ばれるサービス。







【iPhone X 対応の詳細】

業界の人なら分かる少し困った端末 iPhone X!!


iPhone Xにはセーフエリア(下記画像の白い領域)という領域があります。










【18 New Faces Series】 Engineer Study Group!

Hello, I’m Takeda, a newcomer engineer.

This time I’ll be introducing you to the engineer study group, which is regularly held at the office.

I think that when a lot of you hear the words “study group,” you imagine something formal, stiff, and difficult to follow.
(I’ve experienced quite a few stiff and difficult to follow study groups myself)

However!! AMATA beautifully pulverized that sort of idea.

This newcomer thought that the AMATA study group was amazing!!

– It’s a friendly environment where you can feel free to ask questions.
– It introduces you to engineers’ impressions of software and problems that actually occurred on each project in a way that’s easy to understand.
– It’s intended to allow us to convey our mistakes and experiences in order to make a better company.

I know some of you are thinking now, “OK, so what kinds of things are actually covered??”
There were 4 subjects covered this time.

【Scheduling methods】
【GitHub Project】
【About Firebase】
【iPhone X support details】

Scheduling efficiency, software impressions, solving problems that have come up with iPhone X…it was a lineup with abundant variety!!

I’d like to talk briefly about each subject discussed.

【Scheduling methods】

This may be the case in any industry, but schedules are hectic!!
There’s no time, what do we do?!! Some of you may have experienced this.

To jump straight to the conclusion…
– Improving meeting efficiency
– Prioritize and cut low priority functions to raise the quality of everything else.
– Task division (Clarifying who is technically able to provide support in advance, even if they aren’t assigned to the task at hand)

【GitHub Project】

One function of GitHub is bulletin board-style task management.
There’s a similar tool called Trello.

At AMATA there are lots of projects that use the Redmine ticket system for task management.
So why was the decision made to start using GitHub Project?

– With the billboard format, it can be understood visually at a glance.
– We can leave a history of the particulars of a task, which decreases forgetfulness.
– The number of people assigned to the project was small.

That said, it seems that not only advantages, but new problems also arose.
– With the billboard format it is difficult to grasp the overall schedule.
– It’s difficult to see whether a given task is falling behind the overall progress.

It looks like solving one problem can create new problems.

【About Firebase】

We gradually moved towards specialized topics!
I think most of you probably don’t know what Firebase is.
(I didn’t know what it was, either).

What is Firebase?
It is what is known as a “mBaaS (Mobile backend as a service).”

What is an mBaas?
It is an assortment of server functions that I’m glad I have when making smartphone apps.

So what kind of functions does it have?
I’ll introduce a few.

– Push notification
– The ability to freely change game data even after release.
– User information management
…and on and on, too many functions to introduce here now.

Firebase has these kinds of useful functions, but is it difficult to implement?

Not at all!!
It used to take people with server skills days to construct this kind of environment, but Firebase can be easily installed even if there is only one programmer.

However, since the installation this time was carried out from the middle stage of development, it seems there were a lot of errors and conflicts with other plugins. Even so, the presenter said it was well worth introducing.

【iPhone X support details】

Everyone in the industry understands that little troubled iPhone X terminal!!

Why is it a troubled terminal? The reasons are the uniquely designed in-camera, the home bar at the bottom of the screen, and the roundness of the screen edges.

iPhone X has areas called “safe areas.” (The white area in the image below)
According to Apple’s terms and conditions, you’re not supposed to put UI’s other than backgrounds or gradations in areas outside the safe area.

* This picture is just an image.

And there were repeated incidences of projects causing issues like unique landscape aspect ratios, UI deviations due to the round screen edges, and the camera overlapping the UI.

It’s a lot of trouble!!! (Actually these things happened before I joined the company, so I don’t really feel it)

How did they handle this?
With a specialized plug-in.

For details, see the article published by Unity.

Through the use of this plugin, UI deviations can be corrected to some extent.

There were some other problems as well, but to keep things brief I’ll stop here.

It was my first time joining the study group, but every topic was very useful.
Listening to my seniors talk about their failures and experiences made it feel like they were my own experiences.
But the thing I might have learned the most about is how to write a blog!!

Takeda, a newcomer engineer)


