【CEDEC 2018 シリーズ②】技術の進化

*English translation below














【CEDEC 2018 Series ②】The Evolution of Technology

I’m artist Oyama, posting here for the second time. 
This time I will be writing about my debut participation in CEDEC.

Among other things, I will be introducing, several of the new technologies and regarding some of the practical- use techniques which particularly left an impression on me.

●Discussion of automatic creation of 3D models with procedural modelling capable tool Houdini.

“Procedural” is a term used in CG, and refers to a technology which automatically produces models by utilizing numerical formulas, scripts and previously input data. 
It seems from this talk that in the case of car modelling, if the surface of the body, the windows, and the headlight stage of production are prepared in advance, a 3D model can then be created automatically which, by adjusting each numerical value accounting for the width of the car or how much the surface is divided, can allow for the easy creation of diverse variations.

There was also a discussion regarding the automation of difficult and time consuming work, such as modelling for building demolitions, character morphing, and inserting the bones for 3D models.

Production of 3D modelled characters from photogrammetry and creation of variation via blending.  

Photogrammetry is a technique wherein photographs are taken of an object from various angles so that a 3D model can be constructed by analyzing the parallax information. It is also the technology used to create topographic maps from aerial photographs.
Once the environment for taking photographs has been arranged, modelling can be performed automatically. If the object in question actually exists, the creation process will be quicker as it does not have to start from scratch.

In addition, a technique called “Blend Shape” was introduced, which could mix model data together to increase variation in realistic human models. It was able to randomly blend parts such as eyes, nose and mouth while choosing which characteristics to emphasize for each model, thereby increasing variation. In addition, it was discussed how works such as creating a sense of character to the 3D models, could be performed easily by adding traits to the realistic models.

This lecture focused on efficiency, quality, and introducing technology so that anybody using these tools can achieve a certain degree of success.

The other surprising speeches all showed just what we can now do with the evolution of technology. For example, tools for automatic texture creation, tools that help with difficulties in 3D lighting adjustment, and an apparatus which can read the movements of human eyes and tell where they are looking and in what order and then convert it into data.

Of course, mastering these useful tools will not be easy as they require an array of knowledge and experience, as well as preliminary work, customization and preparing of tools. However, there was a lot of discussion about the improvements in quality, as more time can be allowed for adjustments, if the technology is used efficiently.

It is difficult to say if all that was seen and heard at this CEDEC will be able to be introduced right away, but I was able to learn a lot by witnessing one part of the progression of technology.


