「AMATA Matters(あまたま)」スタート!

*English translation below

本日より、あまた株式会社の公式ブログ「AMATA Matters(あまたま)」がスタートします。


そのあまたの、たくさんの価値観、事柄(matters)について、社員が思うことを発信していくスタッフブログが「AMATA Matters(あまたま)」です!




“AMATA Matters(AMATAMA)” begins now!

Today, we at AMATA have launched our official blog, “AMATA Matters(AMATAMA)”.

The word “amata” means “many” in Japanese. We chose “AMATA” for our company name because we value the diversity of our many staff, and hope that going forward they will create many different and wonderful types of entertainment to share with the world.

For that reason, our staff will be posting here about many different matters from many different points of view, and that’s why our blog is called AMATA Matters (AMATAMA for short).

We will be making regular updates to the blog going forward.

Stay tuned for more!

