*English translation below
あまたがプロデュースする就転職イベント「G JOB FESTA TOKYO 2018」が3月31日(土)に開催されました。
「G JOB FESTA」も今年で4年目を迎え、すっかりゲーム業界への就活の定番イベントとして定着しています。
さて、今週の土曜日は、大阪梅田で「G JOB FESTA OSAKA 2018」が開催されます。
「TOKYO 2018」の出展企業9社に、関西で躍進中の3社を加え、総勢12社がアツく自社とゲーム業界を語ります。
>G JOB FESTA OSAKA 2018 公式サイトはこちら
>G JOB FESTA OSAKA 2018へのお申し込み(無料)はこちら
G JOB FESTA TOKYO 2018 was a huge success!!
The career fair event that AMATA organizes, “G JOB FESTA TOKYO 2018”, was held on Saturday, March 31st.
This year marks the celebration of G JOB FESTA’s fourth year, and it has established itself as a staple event in the game industry for job hunting.
Again, we saw large lines queueing up before the opening and a relentless flow of visitors right up until closing time this year. It ended in a great success.
To everyone who came out to visit, we give our heartfelt thanks!
This Saturday, “G JOB FESTA OSAKA 2018” will be held at Umeda, Osaka.
In addition to the 9 companies that exhibited at “TOKYO 2018”, 3 additional companies are rushing to participate in the Kansai region, for a total of 12 companies that will be passionately talking about their companies and the game industry.
We’re expecting to have a wonderful encounter with everyone in Kansai. We will see you there!!
>G JOB FESTA OSAKA 2018 Official site
>Free application to G JOB FESTA OSAKA 2018
(HR & Planning Department)