【So you!】あまた流インターナショナルパーティーを開催しました!

*English translation below


あまたの外国人スタッフがホストをつとめるインターナショナルパーティ「So you want to be a Game Dev? International Party!」(「So you!」)が、6月14日に開催されました!!

「So you!」とは?



「So you!」開催の思い

その思いを形にしたイベントが「So you want to be a Game Dev? International Party!」(ゲーム開発者になりたいかい??)です。


「So you!」は、あまた外国人スタッフが、全ての準備を自分たちで行います。
今回の「So you!」委員会メンバーとして抜擢された外国人スタッフは、アメリカ、インドネシア、中国、ドイツ出身のスタッフ計8名です。

















元々あまたの事はしらなかったのですが、大きなタイトルに携わっているという事に驚きました。 こんなに面白い会社、面白い人がいるとは思ってもみなかったので、参加してよかったです。 過去好きだった作品を作っている人がいたというのも嬉しかった!ピザも美味しかったよ(笑)


これからも、「来てよかった!」と思ってもらえる「So you!」を開催し続けていきます。

「So you!」を終えて

「So you!」立ち上げ時から委員会の中心となり、みんなを引っ張ってきたアメリカ出身スタッフの”アレ”に感想を聞きました!

3回目の「So you!」どうでしたか?

もう3回目なので、毎回来てくださる常連の方もいたりして、「So you!」の度に会えるのが嬉しいですし、いらっしゃってくださるお客さんはゲーム業界に興味を持っている、もしくは働いている面白い人が多いので、そういった人たちと出会えて、話ができるのは今回に限らずいつも嬉しいです!


「So you!」きっかけで友達が出来たことがあります!(コスプレのイベントに一緒にいきました(笑))
あとは何よりも、私はあまたの事が大好きだから、「So you!」開催を通して色んな人にあまたを知ってもらえるということがとても嬉しいです。

今後どのように「So you!」をパワーアップさせていきたいですか?



今回で3回目となるあまた主催インターナショナルパーティ「So you!」。



Networking and Pizza: Hosting our 3rd Event for Foreign Game Devs

Hey, everyone!

On June 14th, our staff members from overseas at Amata hosted a party called “So you want to be a Game Dev? International Party!” (or “So you!” for short).

What is this event?
This is an event geared towards anyone with an interest in the Japanese gaming industry and game development, and offers them a chance to meet others with experience in the industry as well as those with similar ambitions to themselves.
Our foreign staff members at Amata handled almost everything, including planning, preparation, pre-event advertising, and management on the day of. .

This was the 3rd time we’ve organized this event, so it’s safe to say that it has become something of an established tradition here at Amata.

The idea behind “So you!”

The name of our company, “amata,” means “many” or “a lot,” and the company itself is a place where many different people to come together as colleagues.
A large portion of our staff came here from a wide variety of places across the world, including the US, Indonesia, and China.
However, while we boast a diverse workforce, it is fairly rare in Japan to find a place where professionals from abroad can casually meet and mingle with one another.
And I would say that there are even fewer places to meet up when it comes to foreign professionals interested in game development and the gaming industry.
Foreign professionals here from overseas, including foreign staff members at Amata, need to be able to have somewhere where they can meet up without any formalities and share their interests in game development. That way they can build new connections and find support for taking on new challenges. Offering a place for that to happen was the original idea behind this event.
That’s the thought process that led us to put together “So you want to be a Game Dev? International Party!”

Preparing the event

Preparations for the event was carried out by a committee consisting of 8 Amata employees. Each member of the committee was selected from individuals that had come to Japan from overseas, including members from the U.S., Indoesia, China, and Germany.
Preparations consisted of:

  • Creating an application page and form
  • Creating banners to post on websites and articles
  • Drafting on-site ads and other materials for the day of the event
  • Ordering catering based on what people liked last time
  • Ordering novelty items and other essentials
  • Deciding on staff attendance for the event
  • Preparing any necessary videos and pamphlets

Each of the above preparatory duties were assigned to different members, and then each individual member carried out their work while sharing their progress in meetings and our in-house social media.
Since this is the 3rd time we’ve held the event, the preparation process was already well-established, and it seems like everyone got things going pretty smoothly for this event.
After each event we always have a postmortem meeting to not only plan for the next one, but to also see where we can improve.

The day of the event

Once all of the preparations were taken care of, the event was finally ready to start.
Before the guests arrived, the committee members set up the event space and made sure everything was all ready to go.
Those people in the photo with red lanyards are some Amata staff members!

And of course, the pizza was brought in to really get the event going.

The event started at 7:00pm and there were just a few people at the outset. But, by the end of it the entire event space was packed with visitors.
Among those visitors, there were even people who saw the event come up on Facebook and just decided on the fly to come and participate, which was really awesome (^^).

First-time attendees, people who have attended before, and our staff all got along and mingled as they ate.

Amata’s staff also dived in to answer everyone’s questions.
The event’s designated MC started with a few greetings and introduced the company, and from there the whole event continued on with lots of smiles and laughs in the air as people talked with each other.

Towards the end of the event, we held a rock, paper, scissors tournament!
The tournament was a hit and every round was just as thrilling as the next!

Once the tournament winded down the champion was awarded with a prize! Congrats!!

Then the event came to a close while the excitement from the tournament still lingered in the air…

Visitor interviews

For this event we had close to 30 visitors in attendance!
There was quite a range of nationalities too, with visitors from the US, Spain, Turkey, Canada, Peru, and China.
We heard plenty of great responses from all of them. They told us stuff like: “It was fun!”, “It was great to be able to network!”, and “I got a chance to meet new colleagues!”

We took the opportunity to sit down and interview two of the attendees!

How has the event been for you?
This is actually the 3rd time I’ve participated in this event, since I like the friendly atmosphere here compared to other networking events.
I brought my portfolio with me and everyone took the time to give me serious, honest feedback. It was a big help to hear what they had to say.
I’m glad I got to talk things out with everyone.

How has the event been for you?
Originally, I didn’t know anything about Amata, but I was amazed when I saw some of the huge titles they’ve been involved with. I had no idea it was such an interesting company with such interesting people, so I’m really happy I came by. I was also happy to see that there were people here who worked on titles that I liked from back in the day. The pizza was very good, too (laughs).

Thank you very much for letting us interview you!

The entire staff here at Amata was thrilled to meet everyone who came by. It was great to see everyone chatting and having a good time.
We want people to keep coming and enjoying their time here at the event so we’ll be sure to keep hosting “So you!” in the future.

Finishing up “So you!”

One of the center points on the committee since its launch is “Lexi,” an American staff member here that helped lead everyone. I got a few thoughts from Lexi about the event!



How did things go for the 3rd “So you!” event?
I’ve been participating since the very first event, and this time was exceptionally fun.
We’ve already had 3 events, so now there are regular visitors who come by each time. That makes “So you!” a great opportunity to check in with them. The people who come by have an interest in the gaming industry, and there are also lots of interesting professionals working on stuff as well, so it’s nice to meet up with people like that and get a chance to talk with them. And it’s not just this time either since we get a chance to do this again with future events!

What did you like about putting on the event and participating in it?
“So you!” gave me a chance to make a friend! We went to a cosplay event together (laughs).
Initially the gaming industry was quite narrow, and the community was even more narrow when it came to people working in the industry (or interested in it) from abroad. It’s difficult to pinpoint that and build better networks, but by holding this event and participating in it I’ve expanded my own network. That’s something that I’m really happy about.
By being able to connect with people like that there are more people to talk with now, which means there are a wide variety of sources to get comments and feedback. This directly connects to the games I’m working on and helps me improve them.
I like Amata a lot, so more than anything I’d be very happy if our “So you!” events help even more people to get to know Amata.

Moving forward how would you bring the “So you!” event to the next level?
I’d very much like to have more and more people come by! The next event is in December!
It would be great to meet more new and interesting people! We can connect and help each other out!

Last remarks

This marks the 3rd “So you!” international party put together by Amata.
Thank you very much to everyone who attended.

Just like our staff member Lexi said, it would be great to have a chance to meet more people and see new faces, so we’ll be working even harder on the next one!
We can’t wait to see you all there!
We’ll be making updates on Facebook and Amata-ma (Amata Matters) as it gets closer to the next event. Be sure to keep an eye out so you don’t miss out!

(Amata PR Team)


