
*English translation below



今年の3月下旬に海外営業活動の一環として、アメリカのサンフランシスコ市で開催したGame Connection America(GCA)2018に、あまたがジェトロパビリオンの一社として出展しました。


近所で同時に開催され、時期が丸被りのGame Developers Conference(GDC)とよく間違われますが、GCAは展示会や発表会ではなく、完全にビジネス向けのイベントです。


Game Connectionの「Let’s Meet」という独自の専用マッチングシステムを使って、160個以上の会社とやり取りした上、日程とアジェンダの調整をバンバンやってました。




A little trip to The Land of The Free

Hello everyone; M.T. here. I’m a Malaysian who somehow found his way into the Business Development department of AMATA.

I joined the company in April of 2017, tasked with carrying out and expanding our business activities and opportunities (read:sales) both domestically and overseas. The latter particularly is where I’ve been focusing my efforts, looking to get some firm footing in the foreign markets.
Comparitively speaking, AMATA has a pretty high foreigner to non-foreigner ratio. We’ve also got the proper business functions and operations in place required for undertaking overseas work; from routine sales activities, meeting interpreters to regularly scheduled client meetings in English, I can honestly say that we are, in every sense of the phrase, a “global company”.

As part of our overseas ventures, we signed up for a booth under the Jetro pavillion at the Game Connection America (GCA) 2018 event held in San Francisco last March.

Living up to the “Connection” in its name, GCA was every bit a business meeting event, designed to foster relationships between players in the game industry.
Equipped with pamphlets, videos, and whatever PR material we imagined people would be impressed with, we forged forward, meeting up with publishers and investment companies from various countries to build business networks. The event itself was held inside the AT&T Park stadium.

Oftentimes people confuse GCA with the more well-known Game Developers Conference or GDC, held simultaneously a few blocks away, but GCA has none of the fancy displays or guest speakers you find at GDC. It’s fully business-orientated. We don’t get to hang with the cool kids.

The meetings and presentations were of course all done in English, with interpretation and the occasional Japanese phrase sprinkled throughout. One of our objectives was to also meet up with VR publishers, so we lugged along an Oculus setup for people to try out Amata’s original VR title as well.

It goes without saying, the point of a business meetup is to talk business, which is exactly what we did over the course of 3 days, exchanging greetings and information while attempting to match needs with one another.
The “Let’s Meet” matchmaking system was particularly instrumental in setting up our agenda, with back-and-forth invitations and requests between a total of 160-ish companies.

At the end of the day we ended up sitting down with over 30 companies, which I thought was a pretty good haul (by my own entirely baseless standards).
There were inevitably a few slip-ups to reflect on afterwards, being my maiden overseas business trip and all, but in terms of experience gained and small memories made it wasn’t that bad. I’d do it again.
And it’s exactly that, the notion that even some fresh foreigner recruit barely in his 2nd year would be given the opportunity to try his hand overseas, that makes AMATA, AMATA.
I’m grateful and glad to be a part of it.

Source for AT&T Park picture : https://www.sfmta.com/places/att-park

