
*English translation below

(「【iPhone VS Android】日本と世界におけるスマホOSのシェア率分析」より https://xera.jp/entry/iphone-android-share

「日本Androidの会」様主催のイベント、「Android Bazaar and Conference 2018 Spring」です。このイベントはテクノロジーの交差点としてのAndroidを通し、テクノロジーの異文化交流を行う事を目的として開催されたイベントです。

土曜日は油断すれば昼前まで寝てしまう私ですが、会場へ向かうために珍しくまともな時間に起き、準備を整えて御茶ノ水へ。目指すは東京大学 本郷キャンパス。夜勤明けの友人とともに出発です。


[Unity Tilemap入門]







【18 New Faces Series③】Japan Android Group Report

Nowadays when even children have smartphones, the share of mobile OS’s in Japan, also known as the so-called “basic foundation” of smartphones, stands at about 70% for the iOS and 30% for Android; while somehow on a global scale, Android seems to instead account for 70%, with iOS at 20%, and other OS’s making up the remaining 10%.
(From “iPhone VS Android: A Market Share Percentage Analysis on Smartphone OS’s in Japan and the World” https://xera.jp/entry/iphone-android-share)

On June 9, I participated in an event in order to gain a deeper understanding of Android as we know it today. The event was the Android Bazaar and Conference 2018 Spring, held by the Japan Android Group. With Android at the intersection of various technology, this event was held with the goal of having a cross-cultural exchange on technology.

As someone who will sleep up to just before noon on Saturdays if I’m not careful, I actually woke up at a proper time (which I rarely do) in order to make it to the event venue, and headed to Ochanomizu after getting ready. My destination was Tokyo University’s Main Campus. I went there together with a friend who works the night shift.

It was around noon when we arrived at Tokyo University, and after having lunch at the on-campus convenience store we headed to the venue place. It was a cloudy day unfortunately, but the Bazaar itself was full of energy. We finished our registration and made our way to the lecture room where the lectures were taking place. I chose lectures that seemed like they would be of use for developing in the future. Let me introduce a few that were particularly impressive.

[Introduction to Unity Tilemap]
The strength of Unity Tilemap lies in the high expandability of its 2D functions, which were added after Unity2017.2.
Because there were official free assets such as 2d-extras, or samples like 2d-gamedemo-robodash that were also publicly available, the bar wasn’t really that high. As far as I saw, it makes level design easier too because we can place the map chip after the line drawing and range specifications have been done, just like a paint tool. It’s a function that I would like to keep an eye on in the future, since it will save us time on when doing manual inputs or creating editors.

[Even non-programmers can make Cool materials! Maniacs of Mastering ShaderGraph]
This is another new function that was implemented in Unity2018.1.
If you have experience with modeling you may have used node editors like Blender and Maya, or experience with UE4’s material editor if you are a programmer (I’ve personally used Blender before, but have no experience with node editors), but this ShaderGraph can set node-based shaders in the same way as those editors.
During the talk, the speaker on the podium actually made a flame-like shader, but compared to the usual method of inputting text, setting parameters and then attaching them to an object, this method seemed a lot faster.
Unfortunately, since there doesn’t exist a function yet for leaving comments, it’ll probably be an uphill battle when you need someone to take over your work, but since it is possible to synthesize nodes, by compiling each function together alongside preparing some additional documents, it would probably make the work of sharing and handing over among different projects comparitavely easier.

After the lecture, I attended a networking party too. Even including my student years this was a first for me.
I was nervous, and my chest felt like it was going to split open, but between exchanging business cards with the other participants and having light refreshments with everyone else, I think I can say that for a first time, I did pretty alright. There were some company presidents, new employees the same age as I, along with students who had come from other prefectures among the various people attending.

There were offers to take part in these kinds of events from my school when I was a student too, but it would always end up clashing with my part-time job or other personal matters, and I’d have to pass up on them. But now that I’m a working member of society, I’ll have more opportunities to participate in these kind of events, so I’d like to make use of them by taking part and broadening my knowledge.

(Shoji, a newcomer engineer)
