超 あまたを斬る!

*English translation below


こんにちは 負の帝王ブロガーの超ごろーです

社内の人間である超ごろーからすれば「まぁ そんなもんだよな」と納得いくんですが、あまりにもみんなが口を揃えて

『えぇ あれでしょ 新人だから点数稼ぎで書いてるとこあるでしょー。っていうか悪い事書いたらそもそもブログとして掲載されなかったり、原稿書き直しさせられたりなんでしょ!』


いや そうなはず! 

そんな由々しき事態を打破すべく! わたくし超ごろーがここに一石を投じたいと思います。



(言ってる事めちゃくちゃだけど、あぁ 楽しくなってきた♪でもちょっと言い過ぎw)
逆に継続して記事を書いてる様であれば、掲載ギリギリのラインまでまだ行ける! って事w


喫煙者は中毒患者なのですから、もっと優しくしてもいいじゃないのー!!!!!! と勝手に思うのが喫煙者。







暑いものは暑い! 寒いものは寒い!

うーん めんどくさい(汗)

席替えが多い! ほんとに必要なんか?


今週1名移動、来週2名移動 などというのが頻繁に発生していくわけです。

で ここで重要なのがあるプロジェクトチームがまとまる為には、そのスペースを空けねばならないというところ。。。。

「オレらに関係ねーじゃん! 」


突然の配置転換! 心の準備もできねーよ!




ただし、移動の決断をする人も、好き勝手人員移動をしているわけでもなく、いわゆる適材適所+学び を考慮している事も理解する必要があるでしょう。

等の状況により 「突然の移動」 となるのがほとんどなのです。

あれ? 何故か「突然の配置転換」についてフォローしてる感じになってる(汗)

遅刻や時間に厳しい! ありえねぇ~!












まぁ そーいうのをなるべく解消しましょうという一つの方法がシャッフルランチ制度であったりするわけです。



(負の帝王ブロガー 超ごろー)

Getting Down to the Cho Nitty-Gritty on AMATA!

It’s the sort of thing that seems very silly, but is actually just insincere.
The sort of story that sounds like one big delusion, but in truth is just crafted fiction.
That is just the sort of content I aim to slather your senses with.

Good day, readers. Your infallible emperor Cho Goro here today.

I come across a lot of articles praising the new hires as part of the New 18 Series.
As an employee myself, I tend to think “Well, yeah, this is about what I’d expect of them.”
But everyone, and I mean everyone, says things like:
“It’s a great company to work for!”
“Everyone’s so nice!”
“You really learn a lot!”

This leads the reader to have suspicions like:
“Eh, well, these are just things they write to get brownie points, right? Besides, if they had written bad things, it wouldn’t show up on a blog like this, or they’d just make them re-write the article!”

And not only that, without any follow-up, the reliability of these blog articles themselves can come into question.
At least, if some as absurdly cynical as myself were on the outside, that is definitely what I would think.

You think so too, right everyone?
You must!
I’ll make you if I have to!

I’d like to cast a stone into the water amidst this grave situation we have.
It’s definitely not a means for me to just vent some personal frustration.

And so I give you,

“My Hot Takes on AMATA”

From the apparent issues to the unseeable darkness; simple complaints, and matters of envy, and even the hatred and murderous intent that can only be derived from a long-gestating grudge.
I intend to drag all this dirty laundry out and air it out in the cleansing light of day.
(That all sounds nuts, but eh, it was fun to write ♪ But maybe I went a bit too far, lol)
If I’m removed from the AMATA Blog in the future, well then you’ll know I just got too close to the truth behind this company.
If I’m still here, then we know I’ve still got some leeway left in what I write about! *laughs*
Let’s get started!♪

First up!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I want to…smoke!

I’ve written in greater detail about this in a prior article, but during working hours at AMATA, smoking is prohibited!
Of course lunch break is a different matter, but from then until the end of the day–it’s a long time!!!
For smokers, at around about 4 in the afternoon they become unable to think about anything except smoking.
After all, regular smokers are addicts, so why not go easy on them? Of course, the people having this thought are smokers themselves.
I suffered plenty when I used to smoke.

But recently…I’ve begun to think that the only one who’s suffered that much was me.
When I ask smokers I know, some of them say “Well, I’m fine not smoking until the evening anyway…”

Anyone who says that sort of thing is a disgrace to smokers everywhere, you hear me?

…I’m just a bit sad.

Too hot, too cold…

This is an issue brought about by the compounded effects of where air conditioning and seats are located.
With the extreme heat this summer, there are no doubt a number of difficulties in deciding whether to set the thermostat high, or low. It would vary based on how many people in a department are frequently out of the office as well.

There are a lot of factors involved, and some unavoidable roadblocks, I’m well aware.
But putting all that stupid crap aside, I’d say:

What’s hot is hot! And what’s cold is cold!

Everyone has to make an effort to properly protect themselves so that they don’t suffer from health issues.
Yep, it’s a pain in the ass. *sweats*

Lots of seat changes! Some would say too many!

It may just be something unique at AMATA, but there are a lot of seating changes at here, in a way that I’ve not experienced at other jobs.
One cause of this is the high mobility of employees.
AMATA has a stance of not having their employees spend a long time on a single project. Instead, they’re moved around at a high rate with the goal that they’ll always be learning new things.
They do still take into account things like project circumstances and personal requests, however.

These arrangements can come fast and loose—this week one person, next week two.
The issue arises when these transfers get in the way of work: With just a little bad luck, members of the same project team can wind up in seats very far apart, or even worse, on different floors in different buildings.
To put it bluntly, it doesn’t work.
And so at times you need to move the entire project team as a group and assemble them in one area.

Subsequently, in order to actually assemble them there you then need to clear out enough space for all of them…
People with no connection to the project team whatsoever get swept up in this and have to change seats too.
This snowballs into a very large-scale seat re-arrangement, as you can guess.

“What are you doin’? We got nothin’ to do with this project!”
“Seat changes? Again?”
“It’s not like our productivity’s gonna be any different, you know.”
↑The opinions of folks who’ve moved just to make space for the project team.

And they’re absolutely right!

Sudden transfer! My heart’s just not ready!

I’m pretty sure every employee has been in this situation once or twice, or at the very least has seen it happen:
“You’re with XX team tomorrow, so get your stuff ready.”
A sudden team transfer, basically.
I mean, anyone would be utterly shocked to hear this. I understand, I really do.
But at AMATA it’s a very frequent occurrence.

The people being told about it haven’t prepared mentally at all, and there are situations where the team in question has a kind of image in their heads of how they’re going to move forward, and a sense of motivation attached to that.
So they get hit hard by these sudden transfers.

Just as I said in the third point, AMATA frequently moves employees around according to project circumstances and things they want employees to learn.
So you just have to be ready at all times to get up and go.

In fairness, you have to understand that the HR people deciding on the transfers don’t just do so out of nothing, but do take into consideration things like appropriate allocation of resources and learning opportunities.
For example:
“I’d like to keep them on this team…but on a different team they might be able to reach their full potential…I believe that’s the right choice.”
It’s a difficult decision to make, and many transfers go through such a process.

Regarding the suddenness of these transfers, the people telling the employees about it are doing their best to convey the information at as early a point as possible, but “sudden” transfers mostly arise through:
Sudden requests
Sudden departures
Sudden contract renewal cancellations
Sudden new hires
Each teams’ circumstances change day by day. It is what it is.
One possible solution is to just be ready to move at any time, and keep an eye on nearby projects, so that you won’t be surprised when it happens.
That sounds about right.

Hmm? That ended up sounded like I’m covering for this one somehow… *sweats*

A super strict attitude regarding lateness and time! No way!

As far as I’m concerned, these are very matter-of-fact things for normal people of society, but it’s considered very “weird” within the games industry, so I make it a point to discuss this.

To give an idea of what I mean when I say that AMATA is “strict” with regard to lateness, there’s a rumor that if someone is late 3 times in a six-month period, they won’t receive a raise. That on its own ought to draw a pretty clear picture of the atmosphere.

AMATA is not only strict on lateness, but also overtime work.
Of course there are times where you just have to do some things past working hours, but their fundamental stance is that overtime work is a bad thing.
Even when you do overtime, it’s presumed that you think:
“Well, I have to do this, but it’s not good that I’m doing it.”
Those who attempt to do overtime work despite this policy will see the Get The Hell Out and Go Home Kick come flying their way in due time. (maybe that’s saying a bit much…but it’s true, lol)

As you all know, the larger games industry’s looseness with regard to time and schedules is of another dimension.
Even if work starts at 10 in the morning, some people come in at 2 in the afternoon on a daily basis, and some real shady characters don’t even show up until nightfall.
Sending out messages for meetings at mysterious imaginary times like “25 o’clock” is just run of the mill at most places.
Basically, the sense of time is all screwed up all over the industry.

If people in our field who have problems with being on time luckily (or unluckily?) find their way to AMATA…
They’ll probably see it as:
・A rigid company
・A company with no financial benefit for them
This being because they can’t be bound by the strict rules regarding time.

Lately the major companies have started moving in a direction to correct their attitudes towards time and scheduling.
Loose folks used to the old ways just might be fated to go the way of the dodo.

And finally!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Who even are all these people?!

AMATA changed their company name in 2017 along with the 10th anniversary of its founding, from the original name of TAYUTAU.
There are new hires every year, and due to the increase in workload there are irregular new hires as well, and just the population here has been going up and up.

Of course, the main Sato Building didn’t have enough space, and so we’ve been expanding while renting some space at the building next door, but…

At this point,
I don’t get word when we get new hires.
I don’t know anyone’s faces.
Don’t know their names either.
You might think that’s pretty standard for a major company, but until just recently I knew the names and faces of every single employee at AMATA.
Even if I didn’t know them, I’d at least be able to tell who worked at AMATA, by their face at least.

But ever since we started expanding floor space to other buildings, new faces have started appearing at a rapid pace.
I don’t know if their regular employees, or contractors, or dispatch people, or what.
I personally got transferred to a different building, so now whenever I go back to the Sato Building I get these looks from people like “Who is that guy…?”
It’s truly quite sad.

Well, one way to get rid of this problem could be a shuffle lunch system or something like that.

So, what do you think?
While the new hires sing the praises of AMATA, I deliver unto you the cold truth of intra-company strife! Are you not entertained?

Could become a bad habit, that.
Until next time, when I shall have yet more dirt to reveal!

(Infallible Emperor Cho Goro)


