【CEDEC 2018 シリーズ⑥】初めてのCEDEC2018!

*English translation below


●SpriteStudio Ver.6.2 演習編
今夏にリリースした SpriteStudio Ver.6.2 では、新たに「デフォーム機能」が追加されました。

・SpriteStudio Ver.6(ボーン、メッシュ、マスク機能追加)
・SpriteStudio Ver.6.1(メッシュ自動生成、ボーン構造改良)
・SpriteStudio Ver.6.2(デフォーム機能、エフェクトウィンドウ、カーブエディターの改良、背景配置、旧データのコンバート機能追加など)

今まではメッシュパーツの変形にボーンパーツが必須でしたが、デフォーム機能ではメッシュの頂点を直接動かしてアニメーションさせることが出来るようになりました。私はこれまでSpriteStudio5しか使ったことがなかったので勉強になりました。OPTPiX SpriteStudio5 で作成したデータを OPTPiX SpriteStudio Ver.6 仕様に一括で変換するコンバート機能も実装され、SpriteStudio5から6までのデータ遷移がさらに楽になります。









【CEDEC 2018 Series⑥】My first time at CEDEC2018!

Hey, my name is M and I was recently brought on to work here as an artist. I also got the chance to attend the most recent CEDEC event.
I went through and checked out a lot of the different presentations and sessions that were going on at the event while I was there, but for this article, I just want to talk about some of the stuff that relates to my own work.

●SpriteStudio Ver.6.2 Workshop Summary
SpriteStudio Ver.6.2, which was just released over the summer, had a new “deform tool” added to it.
This workshop session gave me a hands-on look at SpriteStudio so I could check out all of the new features.

Here is a general list of features that have been added so far:
・SpriteStudio Ver.6 (bone, mesh, and mask features were added)
・SpriteStudio Ver.6.1(automatic mesh generation, bone structure improvements)
・SpriteStudio Ver.6.2(deformation feature, effect window, curve editor improvements, background layout, convertor for old data, and other new additional features)

Up until now, bone parts were absolutely necessary for deforming mesh parts, but now you can animate and move mesh vertices directly with the newly added deform tool. Before, 

I had only ever used SpriteStudio5, so it was great to be able to learn about all of these additional features. Also, data created with OPTPiX SpriteStudio5 can be completely converted to use with OPTPiX SpriteStudio Ver.6. This new built-in feature makes it even easier to move data over from SpriteStudio5 to version 6.

Here’s a commemorative T-shirt and pamphlet that I got from SpriteStudio:

So, coming up next I’d like to talk about a presentation that discussed the game design of “Monster Hunter: World,” something that I’m personally very interested in.

●Reconstructing the game’s design:
“Monster Hunter: World” made the leap to consoles for this iteration, so in terms of design it had to be thoroughly re-examined from the ground up. Through that process there were new challenges to overcome. Because of that, its game design had to be reconstructed as well.
So , this particular presentation for Monster Hunter: World discussed how ideas extend from rough concepts to be implemented into the game, as well as tuning and adjustment. As a way to dig further into these topics, they discussed the creative process for the game’s world and the monsters that inhabit it.
Conceptually, they had the three following points in mind: 1. “A world-class Monster Hunter game for consoles” 2. “Monster Hunter as a foundation for the next 10 years.” 3. “A Monster Hunter game that first-time players can enjoy.” – Using these three concepts, as well as emphasizing the game’s use of ecosystems, they worked to create a linear and seamless action game that was unprecedented for a multiplayer title.

●Major changes in this game:
・Action oriented aspects: This time, the focus was on making the game “seamless.” To accomplish this, the aim was to offer ceaseless movement and action that doesn’t stop or slow down;, even when it comes to recovery and load times.
・Game world and level design: Here the focus is on “high density.” Barriers were removed between each area in order to present ecosystems and manage information across the entire game world.

●Info on how ‘players properly hunt down monsters so they can work to take them down’: The idea of fighting the same monsters many times over is one of the long-standing trademarks of the Monster Hunter series, and in order to ensure that this game preserves that they relied on two separate points. The first having to do with what they called “impact,” which stems from the character and traits of each monster. The other point was referred to as “strategy,” which invites the player to interact and play with the game’s mechanics. The following info outlines their points as they described them in the presentation.

・Impact (Character / Traits): “Impact,” which stirs up players on an emotional level, uses analogy-based reasoning to invoke strategies, and it also amplifies the fun of taking down monsters.
・Strategy (Playability / Interaction): This refers to the choices a player is given to take action and interact with monsters. These choices have to be easy to understand for the player. Essentially, the more patterns there are the more choices a player will have to engage and strategize with.

Lastly, they discussed the planning process and gave some insight into that.
This boiled down to three points: “Prerequisites / Checking concepts,” “Impact / Strategy,” and “Not giving up on ideas.”

This was my first CEDEC, and I got to hear about a lot of different topics that are circulating throughout the industry. The whole event was such an awesome learning opportunity.
If I get the opportunity then I’m definitely going again in the future.


