
*English translation below










A little trip to Shibuya

Hello everyone, M.T. again from the business division.

This time I’d like to introduce the various 「Groups」(co-corriculum activities) within the company.
There’s this inter-company social platform called “Yammer”, that we use not only for work and project-related communication, but also as a place for like-minded enthusiasts to gather together and form their own 「Groups」.  There’s the “Walk&Run Group”, the “Anime Group” etc. alongside various different kinds of groups, each with their own distinctive themes, where fans and hobbyists can get together to chat and share photos with one another.

For example, here’s the “Walk&Run Group” where I post records of my weekly runs, along with pictures of the scenery.


In the “Anime Group”, I got a chance to show off some of photos from my visit to the “Yuru Camp△” collaboration cafe.

There’s even a “Coffee Group”, where we gather once a month to try out specialty “Reserved” coffee at designated Starbucks stores.

The interesting bit about all this, is that even though these “group activities” might look like they have little to do with work, the company is actively supporting these club activities. It turns out, once an organization grows to a certain size, so does the importance of inter-communication between colleagues, and as long as the activites meet certain criteria, AMATA is willing to help things along by putting up a subsidary system.
Saying “We value the importance of communication” is par for the course in nearly any organization, but to see a company actually walk their talk is admittedly still pretty cool..

Under Point 7 of the description for AMATA’s corporate culture, you’ll find the words “Curiosity and Geekiness”. I like to think of those as not only a statement of the company’s values, but also as a form of encouragement, an ideal trait for all who join the ranks. “Be passionate about the things you like; fall in love with them, and strive to learn more them” is how it comes across to me. And the best part? You don’t have to do it alone. There are few things in life more fulfilling than “enjoying the things you like, with the people around you”, and a company that’s willing to go the extra mile to make that possible, is always cool in my books.


